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The Rev. Ruth Casipit Paguio

Mother Ruth is the first female priest at Holy Family Episcopal Church, San Jose, CA. Holy Family is a multicultural and multigenerational community whose mission is to celebrate God through Jesus Christ. She is also a native of the Philippines.

Mother Ruth and I met when I was in California visiting our co-host Kelsey Davis. Kelsey was giving the Easter homily at Holy Family as Mother Ruth presided over the celebration. We got to chat for a good half hour before the service and I was captivated by her story and immediately asked her to be on the podcast. So we are thrilled to share this interview with you all. Mother Ruth is an incredible woman and one of the most delightful people I’ve ever met.

In episode, we chat about her journey to the US working in ministry, how she transitioned from the United Methodist Church to the Episcopal Church and what her experience has been like in ministry as a woman of color.

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